Intro to Philosophy
The Little Logic Book
For a small price tag
The Little Logic Book
provides clear introductions to the modes of reasoning your students will encounter in their course readings and discussions--deductive, inductive, analogical, modal, counterfactual, causal, and probabalistic; it includes a discussion of scientific inference and a substantial chapter on the ethics of argumentation; throughout
The Little Logic Book
gives a balanced treatment of religious beliefs in the examples and exercises.
Visit the LLB page for more information.
Study Abroad Programs
There and Back: Living and Learning Abroad
There and Back
is designed for each step of the study-abroad experience. It encourages students to think deeply about the challenges they will encounter, to document their growth, and to explore, affirm, and expand their faith. Featuring blog posts from fromer students,
There and Back
offers a virtual companion to help students become pilgrims rather than tourists.
Tell me more about There and Back.
Spiritual Formation and Discipleship
Discipleship in the Present Tense
In this accessible, insightful book, noted Christian scholar and award-winning author James K. A. Smith gathers together a range of his writing for popular audiences. Working at the intersection of faith and culture, past and present, church and world, Smith offers both incisive cultural criticism and winsome articulation of a robust Christian faith in our "secular age."
Discipleship in the Present Tense is avalaible in both print and ebook formats. Find more information here.
Worship Planning
Worship in the Joy of the Lord
"From Aristotle to Wesley, and everybody in between and before and aft er, Chip Stam has done us the irreplaceable service of gathering worship quotes so that we can drink from the wisdom of the ages and ponder the saints' insights. These extracts are gems that I will treasure and continue to apply to the Church and her worship. I love this book!"
-- Marva J. Dawn
, Christians Equipped for Ministry
Worship in the Joy of the Lord is available in both print and ebook formats. Learn more.
The Calvin College Press exists to facilitate the publication of books and other materials (including digital media) that advance the program of Christian scholarship at Calvin College. It is responsible for identifying and reaching audiences that are likely to share Calvin's interests in various areas of Christian education and scholarship.
Calvin College Press books may be purchased from bookstores and prominent online retailers.
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